Puppy Social Walks
Classes for older dogs
Wednesday mornings & Saturday afternoons

Perfect for younger dogs and puppies needing extra socialising and confidence building experiences or those who prefer one-to-one.
This will be a walk with one of our calm, older dogs. We will discuss what your pup is telling you, how you can use your lead handling, responses and body language to help and how to develop their confidence and resilience.
£30 or £100 for 4 (30 mins)

We offer a variety of classes for older dogs which build on the foundations we teach in puppy class. We help you develop your dog's life skills such as impulse control, recall, loose lead and attention to you through activities which are fun for you both, use skills which your dog is naturally good at and intrinsically rewarding for them.
The classes we teach include Agility, Gun Dog, Scent Work and Herders.
Classes are usually fully booked therefore priority will be given to those on our membership plans. Please contact us if you'd like to be added to our waiting list.
£108 per dog for 6 week course